Ultimate guide to new and old equipment in World of Tanks 1.10

A month ago I reviewed patch 1.10 in World of Tanks. His main goal was to introduce new equipment into the game

and in the course of writing I came across onea problem that made my work very difficult. It just so happens that there is no structured written guide on the topic on the Internet. In search of detailed information about the work of game mechanics, I had to look for answers from developers on the forum, watch videos on YouTube, go to many third-party resources, in general, engage in routine professional activities. However, as a player, I understood that this should not happen. Digging through a mass of sources, often contradicting each other, is still a pleasure, especially when your goal is simply to properly equip your tank.

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primary goal

It was then that the idea of ​​writing the mostdetailed guide. To create it, I fought several hundred battles with different assemblies, and also attracted experienced players and the developers themselves. Their explanations are highlighted separately in the article. The guide is focused on the "Random battle" mode, aka "random".

The idea is to bring thoughts to thought,know what to rely on when equipping your machine. There is no universal magic assembly: there are more than 600 tanks in the game, and there are millions of players, each with their own preferences. If you want to play effectively or just diversify the gameplay, you have to experiment. Let's start with the basics.

Fast passage

  1. Build principles
  2. Category: Firepower
  3. Category: Mobility
  4. Category: Vitality
  5. Category: Exploration
  6. Universal equipment
  7. For example

Build principles

When selecting equipment, there are two development paths.The first is maximizing the advantages of the machine. In order to choose such a build correctly, you just need to look at the characteristics and compare them with other tanks of the same class and level. We highlight the main advantage and install equipment that will simplify its implementation. With this approach you will have a clear specialization and extremely clear gameplay, but it usually requires higher skills from the player. We need to be able to get out of it so as not to find ourselves in situations where our car will openly give up, and this only comes with experience. You will also have to rely on your allies, and in a random environment this is often a thankless task. However, no one forbids considering your team solely as a resource, hiding behind the backs of your comrades.

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To summarize what was said above:The build through maximization is not effective on all tanks, it limits the player, and requires increased skills and interaction with the team. Below is an example with the Tiger: the tank has a huge DPM and decent visibility, so I put Rammer, Optics and Fan, which will boost both of these characteristics.

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The second way is to smooth out the shortcomings, sosay, polishing the tank. We still analyze and compare characteristics, but instead of focusing on the main advantage, we improve the secondary ones. For example, if a tank has a high DPM, but average dynamics, then we set the equipment to mobility in order to more effectively change position and “throw” from there. This approach is most effective when playing solo, because we are a universal soldier and are practically independent of our allies.

Equipment that allows us to composesuch a build usually raises several stats little by little. Therefore, they should be average by default. The principle reveals itself in the best way on not particularly prominent machines. Here the player is a sculptor who sculpts a masterpiece from mediocrity, based on his personal preferences. To understand exactly what your tank is missing, it is enough to play several battles, ideally, without any body kit at all. The polish principle is at the heart of fan builds and allows you to play outside the box.

Below is an example of a build for VK 30.02 D, I play this tank very aggressively, actively using the ram. So I installed “Grustats” for acceleration and improved maneuverability, “Drives” because of the terrible report of the L56 gun, and “Fan” with “Chocolate” to compensate for the absence of “Rammer” and “Optics”. With this build I managed to enter the top 100 and it was adapted exclusively to my preferences.

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As a result: the approach requires less skill from the player in direct combat, but in order to assemble something really effective, you need to be well versed in the game mechanics. The set of equipment for each vehicle here may differ from player to player. You will need to spend more than a dozen battles in search of the "very" assembly that will work in maximum synergy with both the vehicle and your tactical preferences. This method is also more costly from an economic point of view, but with the right approach it can transform even the most dull tank.

I install the same “Grustats” on all tanks based on the Panther - life-saving equipment for outdated vehicles.

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Which principle should you choose? There is no one-size-fits-all answer, it depends on the car and personal tastes. The first thing to do is to analyze the technique, since now in the game you can compare the technique through a separate menu. Next, we highlight the main characteristics, play several battles and select the first setup.

The equipment in the game is divided into severalcategories, each vehicle class has a special slot corresponding to a certain category. When installing equipment in such a slot, it will give an enhanced bonus. The distribution of the categories is as follows: medium tanks - mobility, light tanks - reconnaissance, heavy tanks - survivability, tank destroyers and artillery self-propelled guns - firepower. Below I will talk about the equipment of each category, the universal equipment is taken out separately.

Before reading, I highly recommend watching the Amusing Mechanics series on the official World of Tanks YouTube channel.

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Category: Firepower

Gun rammer

How to strengthen or replace: skill "Combat brotherhood" (improves many characteristics of the machine by 2.5%, including reloading), "Improved ventilation" (another 2.5%), "Doppayok" and its analogues (4%). Having assembled this bundle, we get almost the same effect.

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The most popular module and the most, in my opinion,overvalued. Players are used to putting it first of all on any car and this is the main mistake. You see, nominal damage per minute and real damage are two big differences. The projectile may not penetrate the target, the drunk gunner has a habit of missing even on high-precision weapons, in the end, the opponents will also not be kind enough to stand drinking hot coffee while your shushpanzer takes them apart. The latter is especially important after the rework of the maps: now there are a lot of shelters, and there is little or no open spaces. Large numbers in the hangar, of course, increase morale, but their implementation requires appropriate skills and often depends on the situation.

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On the one hand, this module reduces the priceerrors and the influence of randomness, since the player is given a few more attempts to deal damage. But on the other hand, tanks in the game not only shoot, they also change position, camouflage themselves and shine. And these actions can bring much more benefits than brute force.

Light tanks better pay attention tocamouflage, mobility, visibility or shooting comfort. In other words, everything that reduces the likelihood of shooting at them. Rolling out of cover, quickly getting down and rolling back is much more important for them than revealing frequent shooting. They still cannot defeat their main competitor in the form of wheeled tanks in close combat. Also, you should not install the rammer on various super-rapid-fire guns (where the rate of fire is about 20 or higher), the aiming time on them is often longer than reloading, and the increase in average damage is negligible.

It is worth thinking about replacing the rammer ifthe tank has already high damage per minute (2000 and more at medium and about 3000 at high levels), low comfort of shooting (slow convergence, poor stabilization) or if it plays from the second or third line (there is no frequent contact with the enemy).

Reinforced aiming drives

What to strengthen or replace:“Improved ventilation”, “Additional rations”, “Combat brotherhood”. Modules and perks for stabilization will not be superfluous: “Improved rotation mechanism”, “Vertical aiming stabilizer”, “Smooth movement”, “Smooth rotation of the turret”. They reduce the aiming circle when the tank is moving and the gun will aim faster after stopping.

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Perhaps the second most popular equipment in the game and a tricky trap for a beginner. Works exactly as it says on the package.

Disputes about this equipment usuallyare reduced to the question of its profitability in comparison with the "Stabilizer of vertical guidance". The confusion is added by the fact that the aiming time, which is indicated in the hangar, is the time during which the aiming circle will decrease by 2.7 times. Multiplying this number by 1.52 times we get the real mixing time. The radius of the circle depends on the accuracy of the machine.

How to be? If we have a choice between “Aiming drives” and “Stabilizer”, we take “Stabilizer”. The players calculated that with it your gun will converge faster.

So, "Enhanced aiming drives" should only be installed on artillery, on tanks where there is no "Stabilizer" or in addition to it, for example, on vehicles with a loading drum.

Vertical Stabilizer

What to strengthen or replace:“Improved ventilation”, “Additional ration”, “Vertical stabilizer”, “Improved turning mechanism”, crew perks: “Smooth turret rotation”, “Smooth ride” and “Combat brotherhood”. If you want to shoot from a spinner, the “Improved Sight” equipment may come in handy.

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The stabilizer reduces the convergence circle, and therefore increases accuracy when convergence is incomplete.

If you are playing on a first line tank and you havemutual contact with the enemy at close range - the stabilizer will make your life much easier. By waiting for complete aiming, we keep ourselves in the crosshairs longer, which means it will be easier to target our weak points. Good stabilization will allow us to better implement the “swing” tactic - we roll out of cover, shoot without bullets and roll back.

The stabilizer is useful on both heavy tanks andthose to whom it is better not to substitute once again. An important component of success is vehicle mobility. On a nimble tank with complex armor or a gun with good elevation angles, the stabilizer will show maximum efficiency.

Improved sight

What to strengthen or replace: the trinity “Brotherhood”, “Ventilation”, “Additional ration”.

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Think your tank has an accurate weapon? Add 25% to the spread and you will find out how crooked it can be. The usefulness of the Improved Sight is difficult to assess, as the accuracy of the weapon depends on an element of randomness. On the other hand, it also reduces the influence of this very randomness. Most relevant on tanks with large-caliber guns, where the cost of a miss is high.

Question: Improved sight. What tactical tank guns was this module designed for and how does it work? What is the conceptual difference from the stabilizer and drives?

Answer:This is a fairly universal module that can fit cars with different characteristics. But you should understand that its bonus is relative, and therefore, it will give the maximum increase in the final accuracy value to tanks whose guns do not initially shine with accuracy.

Actuators, stub and sight are designed to increase comfortfiring, by influencing the behavior of the target area. And in this they are similar, but their difference is in the principles of influence. The drives affect the time it takes for the aiming area to reach its minimum size, the stabilizer counteracts the increase in the aiming area when the chassis is moving, turning the turret, and also when firing. Whereas the sight affects the final accuracy, thus allowing to reduce the minimum size of the aiming area.

How does this equipment work?

Improved sight: The resulting circle will simply be smaller by the specified number of times (linear effect). The mixing speed is not affected.

Reinforced Drives: Linearly reduces aiming time. That is, in any conditions the circle will be reduced to the current minimum in the specified number of times faster.

Stabilizer: Reduces the spread of the aiming circle from tank movement and turret rotation. The effect is not linear. The mixing speed is not affected.

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Category: Mobility

Additional lugs

What to enhance or replace: crew perks “Virtuoso”, “King of Off-Roads”, body kit that increases the efficiency of the crew (trinity).

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Lugs keep you mobileyour tank on all maps, heal from the "tram effect" and accelerate the set of maximum speed. The effect is combined with the "King of the Off-Road" crew perk, along with which I recommend for installation.

Most advantageous to use on light tanks -You will quickly take the most advantageous positions for exposure. Level designers usually place them in hard-to-reach places and surround them with viscous soil. Thanks to the acceleration bonus, they perform well in builds that focus on ramming. It makes sense to install it on tanks with good frontal armor - with a solid 20% bonus, you can quickly turn the hull, preventing the enemy from targeting vulnerable areas. Also, hyper-maneuverability will allow you to avoid direct hits from artillery; it will be more difficult for it to predict your trajectory.

Choosing equipment of the category "Mobility",pay attention to how quickly your tank picks up top speed. If you see it only when "rolling off the hill" - a turbocharger with its + 7.5% will not help, lugs with the appropriate crew perk will be more effective.

Regarding the combination of lugs with the "King of the Off-Road", the developers write the following:

Question: Does “Additional lugs” affect the speed of reaching maximum speed as does the “Off-Road King” crew perk. If so, does this particular parameter add up?

Influence positively, with the "King of the off-road" the effect is mutually reinforced.

Bonuses from &#8220;King of Off-Road&#8221; and &#8220;Additional lugs&#8221; multiply, enhancing the resulting effect.

However, &#8220;King of Off-Road&#8221;is most effective on poor soils (swamp, water, etc.), and gives a small bonus on average soils (most gaming soils). On hard soils (these are various roads, most of the city maps) the bonus will only give &#8220;Additional lugs&#8221;.


What to strengthen or replace: equipment “105-octane gasoline” and its analogues.

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Maneuvers and a well-chosen position sometimes make the differenceThe outcome of a battle is stronger than firepower and armor. The turbocharger will allow us to take this position in time. Oddly enough, this equipment performs best on machines that are not particularly mobile. The reason for this is a seemingly tiny bonus to maximum speed (and now let’s remember how much this increased the comfort of playing the American “turtle” T95). The ability to change position relatively quickly, previously unavailable to such tanks, not only expands tactical capabilities, but also increases the chances of survival.

Don't assume that the "supercharger" will turnyour light tank into a racing car (especially without octane). You still won’t become faster than the wheelmen. This is more about smoothing corners than maximizing. So if the dynamics of the car is limited to the maximum speed (below 40, up to 50 at high levels), you do not play from the first line and often change flanks - a turbocharger is your choice.

Roughly speaking, this equipment shows itself better at a long distance, while "Grunt-lugs" are more profitable to use on short throws, from cover to cover.

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Category: Vitality

Improved hardening

What to enhance or replace: the “Repair” skill, the “Changed Layout” equipment, the “Large Repair Kit” equipment.

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An obvious advantage when installed on heavy tanks, especially German and Japanese ones, since they have more hit points compared to their classmates.

However, this equipment should not be consideredonly in the context of increasing HP, the spread of damage in the game is +-25% and it is not a fact that with “hardening” your car will survive an extra hit. Dependence on randomness also negatively affects the bonus to chassis durability, which precludes the installation of this module on light tanks. Hoping for chance is clearly not what you would want to exchange a precious equipment slot for.

But on stock cars, this module is veryuseful, as it seems to me, the developers were counting on them. The hp bonus compensates for their lack in the stock towers, the carrying capacity will give flexibility in pumping, and the additional repair speed partially compensates for the curvature of the untapped crew. In other cases (except for Japanese and German TTs), it is better to put something else.

As practice shows, timely changepositions, good visibility and camouflage increase survivability much more than the unfortunate 10% increase in HP. In my hangar there was only one unit on which I installed “Hardening” - this is a German Leopard of the 5th level (LT). It is quite large, which is why it often gets hit by other light tanks and initially has increased strength (like single-level tanks). With hardening, "Leo" can easily trade with medium tanks of the same level - it is both tenacious and bites more painfully.

Question: Does payload affect the mobility of a tank?

Answer: The lifting capacity has no effect on mobility. That is, increasing the carrying capacity in excess of that required to enter the battle, you will not achieve an increase in running characteristics. The carrying capacity only limits the installation of modules and equipment. In physics, only the mass of the tank is involved.

Modified layout

What to enhance or replace: the “Repair” skill, the “Improved Hardening” equipment, the “Large First Aid Kit” equipment.

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As Captain Obvious suggests, put thisequipment is needed for tanks with poor layout. German and British tanks are especially affected by this, as well as some Soviet ones, where caring engineers placed the fuel tanks directly in the frontal projection. You can view the layout of the car on third-party resources or simply by playing on them. If a car has a problem, you will find out about it very soon. It is most expedient to install this equipment on tanks, whose gameplay involves direct contact with the enemy, that is, when you know for sure that they will shoot at you. So if you do not like to be substituted once again and you succeed, take the slot with something else.

Anti-splinter lining

What to enhance or replace with: the “Large First Aid Kit” equipment and the anti-suitcase prayer.

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Another piece of equipment that will require you to access third-party resources. This time to find out the roof armor of your tank.

It makes sense to install the lining only onslow and heavily armored tanks like the T95, Type 5 Heavy and Maus. In other cases, we look at the roof armor, the breakdown of artillery at our level and think whether it is worth it. Remember that the penetration by a land mine is also affected by FBG, they are + -25%. In my memory, "Lining" was changed twice, after patch 1.10 I decided to test it and the result did not please me. With several questions, I turned to the developers.

Question: Anti-splinter lining. How does this equipment work now? Does direct hit damage cut and splash damage cut? Why is the effect not always noticeable?

The lining, as before, enhances the effect of armor in absorbing damage from land mines that did not penetrate the armor (those that hit the splash nearby, or hit the screen, or hit the armor without penetrating).

But at the same time, the lining also enhances the effect of armor when ramming! Due to this effect, the ramming damage you take will be reduced.

Game-mechanically, the action of the lining, namely the influencefor damage from HE, has not been changed. As before, the lining reduces damage from fragments, that is, upon penetration (penetration of a HE projectile into the armored space), the full damage +/-25% of the average will be inflicted, regardless of the presence of the lining.

It is also worth noting here that the meaningHE damage absorbed by armor, which is influenced by the installed lining, does not mean that if there were no lining, the damage would be, for example, for standard equipment in a slot without the survivability category, 50% less. HE damage absorbed by armor is a coefficient in the formula for calculating such damage; it gives a greater effect, the higher the nominal thickness of the armor plate that is exposed to HE damage. It’s also worth remembering that during detonation, damage from fragments is calculated over the entire expansion area, taking into account the influence of the attenuation mechanism, but the value of the damage inflicted is recorded at the maximum. Thus, if there is a thin armor plate in the splash radius near the detonation point, then the final value when calculating HE damage will be taken into account specifically for it, and in this case the effect of the lining will seem insignificant.

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As you can see, this equipment has quite a complexmechanics and practically nothing depends on the player. If art starts to focus on you, you won’t go anywhere, don’t count on the fact that your Type 5 Heavy (tested on it) will always deal minimal damage. With a direct hit from a “top” art, for example, T92, you will receive 300-500 damage and only occasionally will this number be lower. Still, the best defense against artillery is maneuvering.

But the use of lining as an additionto “ramming” builds - a great way to diversify the gameplay or just have some fun. A 60% damage reduction is a very solid boost that will allow us to profitably ram even heavier tanks than ourselves. The “weapon of heroes” shows itself best on the German E75, E50, E50M, VK3002D and on the French “heavies”.

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You need to supplement the lining with the "ram master" perk,also does not hurt the "King of the off-road" - to increase the acceleration speed of our car. And don't forget about the red paint, this is especially important in this case! After just a few battles, you will start to see the game a little differently. The habitual firefight will be replaced by a constant search for "worthy" ones, you will begin to lure unsuspecting opponents under the hills, then with a mad grin to spread them around the surroundings. In general, ramming is a fun and effective way to win a hopeless battle, it's a pity that not all maps can implement it.

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Category: Exploration

Coated optics

What to strengthen or replace:“trinity” buffs the commander, and therefore the review. The perks “Eagle Eye” and “Radio Interception” have a similar effect. Equipment: “Stereo tube”, “Commander’s observation device”.

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The universal choice for all tanks with a 360 viewand higher. Then it all depends on personal preference. I like to play on the first line - we take it, we prefer to play from someone else's light - we don't take it, we play solo - it is better to take it, on active fireflies - masthead.

Beginners and not particularly skilled players usuallyThey neglect the review, which I recommend using at medium levels. The right decision would be to compare the review of all machines of your level and one higher, and then draw conclusions about the installation of this equipment. For high-level tanks it is a little less in demand due to high visibility and already begins to affect the clearance of bushes, that is, when the visibility parameter exceeds 445 meters. And here lies the problem: in order to detect a camouflaged tank, you need to approach it at a very close distance. During the approach, he will probably shoot first, unmasking himself and, most likely, will immediately roll into cover. So it definitely makes sense to increase the visibility to the maximum 445, but higher - only on fireflies and some particularly fast STs, especially since they now have special equipment to unmask the enemy.

So the greatest benefit from the "enlightenment" is forlight tanks, slightly fewer for medium ones, on most heavy and tank destroyers it is already doubtful. By the way, shooting at your own light brings more credits, which is especially profitable for premium cars.

Stereoscopic telescope

What to strengthen or replace: the same as “enlightenment”.

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“Enlightenment” for the leisurely.There are very few tanks in the game that have this equipment installed. Basically, these are passive fireflies from Britain and America, as well as some PTs with an open wheelhouse from them.

The relevance of equipment has increased greatly afterthe introduction of wheeled tanks, which filled the niche of active reconnaissance and now outdated “passenger cars” often have to sit out in the bushes, covering themselves with camouflage and taking a pipe.

Actually, this is exactly the kind of static gameplay you andget with this module. To use the Stereotube as efficiently as possible, you need to know the convenient bushes on the maps and keep the enemy at a distance. Often they use a "Camouflage Net" with it - good camouflage is necessary for competent passive reconnaissance. If you want to play the inviser, choose a light tank or tank destroyer with an open turret (they usually have an increased view) and put this bundle of equipment on, you won't go wrong. Practically not used on other classes of vehicles.

Camouflage net

What to strengthen or replace:“Low noise exhaust system”, “Camouflage” skill for the crew. By the way, if this skill is pumped out, then its effectiveness increases from “Combat Brotherhood”, “Improved Ventilation” and “Additional Pike”.

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Everything that has been written about “StereoTube” is also relevant here, only it requires much less skill from the player. The tank destroyer's best friend and the main reason for the "shooting bushes" phenomenon.

If you don't like active gameplay, play onartefacts, passive fireflies or tank destroyers - you can safely install this equipment, as long as the stealth percentage is about 13 or higher. Together with a fully upgraded crew skill “Camouflage”, the bonus will be 90% (92.5% for light tanks) to the base stealth indicator (that is, indicator * 1.9/1.92). As with Stereo Tube, it can be used effectively at mid-levels. The viewing radius of most tanks there is low, and optics and other similar equipment are rarely used.

The main disadvantage is the static and dull gameplay.

Quiet exhaust system

What to strengthen or replace: the same as the “Camouflage Net”.

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If a camouflage net can turnalmost any shed in a shooting bush, then for the "low noise" will require initially good masking performance (minimum 16). Most light tanks and tank destroyers, as well as some branches of medium tanks, possess these.

Unlike the "Camouflage Net", the bonus of thisthe equipment is clean, that is, it does not depend on the masking parameter (does not multiply, but adds). Works for a moving car, which greatly unties the hands. In the current realities of the game, "low noise" is most useful for light tanks. With it, they can secretly take an advantageous position and engage in passive light in the first half of the battle. As soon as the main competitors in the face of the wheelers are shot, we proceed to the same covert maneuvers, from bush to bush and hiding behind the relief. For light tanks, the concealment percentage is not reduced by movement.

Commanding survey device

How to strengthen or replace: if you increase the visibility indicator above 445 meters, your crew will begin to “X-ray” the bushes.

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Rescue for high-tier light tanks, onwhich I recommend to install in a special slot. The application is obvious: equipped with the "Low-noise exhaust system", we drive closer to the enemy bushes and enjoy the spectacle. You can also take the instruction "Increased Attention" for safety reasons. And of course - to maximize the view above 445 meters.

Contrary to general fears, this equipment is notcontrols the bushes on the root. If the enemy has upgraded the “Camouflage” skill, installed a “net”, and even stood in double bushes, you will only see him at the maximum distance. However, after the shot it can be detected at a greater distance. To test this device, we took two LTTB - LT with average camouflage and visibility characteristics. We camouflaged one and placed it in the bushes, the second we swung for maximum visibility. As a result, our stealth tank was spotted at a distance of 70 meters; you understand, in a real battle you would be more likely to be shot than allowed to approach such a distance.

Wargaming itself has written about this equipment in more detail.

Question: Commander's viewing device.What is the priority of this equipment in camouflage calculations? The tank has a base camouflage value + % from crew skills, + % from equipment, + % from bushes. Where will the equipment debuff be subtracted from?

If we are talking about the influence of the “Commander's Surveydevice ”on the masking ability of the enemy behind the vegetation, the“ debuff ”is applied directly to the value of the masking bonus from vegetation (bushes and tree crowns).

The commander's surveillance device has two bonuses: reducing the invisibility of opponents in motion, and reducing the effect of vegetation.

Motion stealth multiplier appliesafter all the other calculations related to the tank: crew, camouflage, mesh, low noise, fire. Like the unmasking effect of a shot, it is used as a multiplier at the very end. The vegetation bonus is already added to this value.

Reducing the effect of vegetation from thisequipment is applied to the total bonus from bushes or trees. In addition, this bonus also reduces the maximum possible bonus from vegetation.

Improved radio equipment

How to enhance or replace it: the gunner perk “Venedictive”.

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Option for active fireflies. The main profit lies in the reduction of the flash time of our car, which potentially not only increases our chances of survival, but also allows us to go to the second circle faster. The main problem with this equipment is the availability of other reconnaissance equipment. To sacrifice vision, camouflage or mobility, critical characteristics for LT, oh, I don't want to.

The second buff is also not very useful, as forits triggering, we need not only to light the enemy ourselves, but also to keep him in sight. Of course, you can install this equipment on a passive firefly, pump the gunner the "Vindictive" skill and provide him with additional instructions. This gives us as much as 16 seconds by the flash time, but it only sounds good on paper. In practice, the enemy will simply roll away for cover, leaving you with the thought of wasted resources.

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Universal equipment

Improved swing mechanisms

What to strengthen or replace: “Additional lugs”, Vertical stabilizer”, “trinity”.

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The understabilizer will work well for medium tanks anda movable tank destroyer with a turret of medium levels, on which a normal stabilizer cannot be installed. On high-level armored vehicles it is already less relevant. Please note that if the weapon does not shine with accuracy, the native stabilization is lame and the summary lasts longer than 2 seconds - the sense from this equipment will be that the dead poultice. The same applies to the bonus to the turning speed, it will not cure the "tram", but only take a slot. In addition, the faster the car body turns, the higher the spread, such is the compensation.

Improved swing mechanisms are the wayto polish something that already shows itself well. I recommend installing medium tanks in a special slot, since the equipment gives a bonus to two important characteristics of this vehicle class at once.

Improved ventilation

What to strengthen or replace: with any specialized equipment.

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It's rare to see armored vehicles that are so̶у̶н̶ы̶л̶а̶ is so good in every way that you have to put a “fan” on it. With this module, almost all characteristics of the vehicle and even the effectiveness of crew perks, for example, camouflage, are increased. What's the catch? A long time ago, players found out that the real bonus is approximately 2.5% - a quarter of the special equipment.

This “generous” equipment would gather dust ontrash bin, if not for the “Combat Brotherhood” skill (another +2.5%) and the “Additional ration” equipment (about +4%). With this set, your crew will receive supernatural abilities, a sense of smell like a dog, and an eye like an eagle. The radio operator will have a third eye, the loader will grow a second pair of arms, and the gunner will be able to aim the gun with the power of thought. If on the way to the battlefield our company is not grabbed by the Inquisition, success is guaranteed, because we receive a bonus from all standard equipment at once, albeit in a slightly smaller volume.

A natural question arises: "If the fan is so cool, why not put it on all tanks?" Firstly, it is truly effective only when assembled with a supplementary solder (or its analogs) and a fighting brotherhood, and this is expensive. The second problem stems from the first: removing the fire extinguisher from the equipment, we automatically sit on the barrel of gunpowder, so it will not be superfluous to look at the strength points of the engine and fuel tanks, as well as assess their location. If they are in the forehead of the case, it is better to refuse the "valve". The third problem lies in the versatility of the equipment: it improves many characteristics by percentage at once, and therefore - the maximum benefit from it will be on the "average machine" itself. Ideally, if the tank of interest to us is comfortable to play with two out of three slots. Only in this case, when critical flaws have been eliminated and the tank fully meets your expectations, you should think about installing "Improved ventilation".

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For example

It should be said right away that I mainly play onarmored vehicles of 5-7 levels and for example I will take just such a technique. These levels are perfect for experimentation. On them, in my subjective opinion, all components of the game, from economy to level design, work best. The logic for assembling the tank is the same as for the highlevels, with the exception of a few nuances that have already been discussed.

The Wunderwafl we'll be looking at - German VK30.02 M of the 6th level. This car is extremely unpopular among players, tank bloggers rarely review it, and if they do, they interfere with slops. I took it as a challenge, fortunately, patch 1.10 made it possible to do at least something sane from any trough.

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We look at the characteristics, compare them with the most popular CTs at the level, and conduct a test battle without body kit.

  • Weapon: DPM slightly above average, poor stabilization, armor penetration and aiming average, high accuracy, low one-time damage and good tilt angles.
  • Mobility: high maximum speed, specific power is not enough, although not catastrophically, poor maneuverability. The weight of 40 tons allows you to successfully ram all your classmates.
  • Reconnaissance: the camouflage indicator is the lowest among the ST-6, but in the review we share first place with the American M4A3E8.
  • Vitality:The front armor of the hull is about 150 mm. (given, without taking into account the normalization of the projectile), which is pretty cool for its level. At the sides and stern, the thickness of the plate is only 40 mm, so it is better not to put it under the artillery. The turret's armor is 100 mm, and if we take into account the gun mantlet, it's 200 mm, but we'll see that number only at its edges. There is also a huge bucket on the tower - the commander's cupola. The VK 30.02 M has almost the same hit points as a heavy tank. The layout is classic German, which means we will have to knock out the engine quite often.
  • Conclusions: great car for the second line. An accurate weapon with good penetration and a fast projectile allows you to play from a distance. High speed allows you to quickly change cover, and armor and good elevation angles allow you to "tank", again, at a distance. At close range, VK also feels good - ramming and high dpm allow you to very quickly deal with the enemy. However, shedding, high criticality and low side armor begin to affect.

Assembly option (first on the list is equipmentin a special slot): special slot - “Additional lugs”, mechanical drive “King of the Off-Road” and “Bram Master”. This is how we treat the main ailment of the vehicle - low maneuverability (by the way, this is true for all vehicles based on the panther) and at the same time increase our “ramming” potential. It will be more difficult for the enemy to dodge, and we will be able to quickly develop optimal speed. Let's move on, because of the low camouflage, we are often overexposed even by our more blind brothers, so the installation of “Coated optics” is more than justified. With the perks “Radio Interception”, “Eagle Eye” and a chocolate bar, we will get a maximum visibility of 447 meters. Third slot for firepower: “Aiming Drives”, if we often play on the second line (we already have 2 thousand DPM), “Rammer”, if you want to get into close combat, or the universal “Improved Ventilation”. Personally, I took the second one, because in the second half of the battle I start to play more aggressively.

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Tactics: in the first half of the battle, our car drives to the crossing of heavy tanks, stands in the bushes or supports allied STs with fire. In the second half, when the light tanks have already merged, we start a more aggressive game with the saved hp, we ram the average ones, and keep the heavyweights at a distance. With such a versatile build, the "underpanther" is useful at any stage of the game and feels much better than a 7th level Panther.

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In the dry residue

After patch 1.10, many dull tanks found a second life, and those that were already good received new capabilities. Experimenting with builds opens up World of Tanks from a new side. Selecting equipment and testing brings pleasure, in fact, for which games are played. The main thing is to know the mechanics and be able to analyze.

Good luck on the battlefields!