Scientists were the first to create wires from carbon. They will speed up electronic devices

A team of chemists and physicists at the University of California, Berkeley, has created a metal wire,

It will allow for further research into the creation of transistors and other carbon-based devices.

Carbon-based transistors potentiallycan increase the speed of computers and reduce their power consumption by more than a thousand times - the researchers note that in this way a phone could appear that holds a charge for several months. To implement this technology, there was only a lack of the necessary materials that would work in the correct carbon chain.

Felix Fischer, professor of California chemistryUniversity of Berkeley, noted that the ability to make all IC components from a single material would make manufacturing easier: "This was one of the key points that was missing in the overall picture of the architecture of all-carbon-based integrated circuits."

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Scientists have been working for several years toto make semiconductors and insulators from graphene nanoribbons, which are narrow one-dimensional strips of graphene an atom thick. The structure of these materials consists entirely of carbon atoms arranged in a wire mesh.

The group will now work on creating a newgenerations of computers using pure carbon. “I believe this technology will revolutionize the way we build integrated circuits in the future,” added Fischer. “This will be a big step forward in electronics design and manufacturing, compared to what you would expect from silicon right now. We now have the ability to get faster performance with much less power consumption. This will be the driving force behind the future of the electronic semiconductor industry. "

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