Scientists have developed an aluminum panel: at a certain angle to the sun, it purifies water

Experiments conducted by the laboratory show that this method reduces the presence of all

common contaminants: detergents, dyes, urine, heavy metals and glycerin. The result is a liquid that is safe to drink.

Researchers have developed a new aluminumpanel that more effectively concentrates solar energy to evaporate and purify contaminated water. The team has created a laser processing technology that turns ordinary aluminum resin black and, therefore, absorbs light and is super-activating. 

Image: Courtesy of University of Rochester

Technology uses a series of femtosecond(ultrashort) laser pulses converting the surface of a conventional aluminum sheet. When an aluminum panel is immersed in water at an angle to the sun, it draws a thin layer of water up the surface of the metal. At the same time, the blackened surface retains almost 100% of the energy that it absorbs from the sun in order to quickly heat the water. And the structures of the absorbent surface change the intermolecular bonds of water, further increasing the efficiency of the evaporation process.

These three processes together allow the technology to perform better. It is a simple, reliable and inexpensive way to overcome the global water crisis, especially in developing countries. 

Chunlei Guo, professor of optics at the University of Rochester

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