Scientists have established the frequency of mass extinctions on Earth

American scientists have found that mass extinctions on Earth occur after certain periods of time.

the intervals are approximately 27.5 million years.

Naked talks about the research workScience. Its authors argue that four-legged non-marine animals, including amphibians, birds, reptiles and mammals, have experienced ten periods of mass extinction over the past 300 million years.

These extinctions coincided with the decline of majorasteroids, volcanic eruptions and other events. Scientists used mathematical models and came to the conclusion that extinctions are cyclical. It is curious that periodicity is also observed for various disasters. According to researchers, collisions between the Earth and large celestial bodies occur approximately every 26-30 million years. And this is understandable: the Solar System passes through the middle plane of the Galaxy, where there are many asteroids and comets, approximately every 30 million years.

Scientists, however, note that their findings need further verification.