Figure of the day: What is the average speed of mobile Internet in Russia?

24Mbps - this is the average speed of mobile Internet in Russia

Information and analytical agency

TelecomDaily found out what the average mobile Internet speed is in Russia and which telecom operators provide the best quality services.

According to the agency's press release, in October the mostMegaFon's mobile Internet has become the fastest among the Four operators. The average speed over the operator’s network was close to 40 Mbit/sec. But Tele2, for example, has 14.5 Mbit/s. The average speed of mobile Internet in Russia, taking into account two other operators, is 24 Mbit/sec.

TelecomDaily measured speed using the Megabitus application and on certified equipment. The agency used data received in October from more than 30 Russian cities.

The agency also provided information on averageInternet speed among fixed operators. MGTS (MTS) had 67 Mbps, Rostelecom 55.3 Mbps, ER-Telecom 39.8 Mbps, Vimpelcom 31 Mbps.