Digit of the Day: How many percent of YouTube videos don't get thousands of views?

90% of YouTube videos never reach thousands of views

Analysts from Pex found out what percentage of videos are

YouTube never gets even a thousand views. The number turned out to be impressive.

According to data for 2019, most of the videos arealmost 90% - goes almost unnoticed. A thousand views for them is an unattainable height. At the same time, billions of views are generated on YouTube every day. It's just that the bulk of them go to 10% of the videos.

To be more precise, only 0.77% of all content on YouTube reaches 100 thousand views. And these videos generate 82.83% of all views on video hosting.

These statistics can be interpreted as evidence of problems with YouTube's recommendation system.

Pex also found that the most viewed video category on YouTube is music.