12 Safari shortcuts everyone should know

Safari is definitely the most energy efficient browser for your computer, so we strongly recommend

We recommend using it, especially if you have a Mac laptop.

If you use the Safari browser asbasic, it would not hurt to remember the basic keyboard shortcuts that will make your work easier. In this article, we will tell you about 12 Safari keyboard shortcuts that everyone should know.



1. Switch between tabs

To quickly switch between tabs, useControl() –Tab()orControl() –Shift() –Tab(). You can also pinch fromCommand() – 1beforeCommand() – 8to go to a specific tab. If all open tabs do not fit into the Safari panel, simply swipe left or right on any tab using the trackpad to show hidden tabs that go abroad.

2. Go to the last tab

To instantly jump to the most recently opened tab, holdCommand() – 9. This combination only works on Mac computers with macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 and later. In older versions of the system, this combination will simply open the ninth tab.

3. Closing a tab

You can quickly close a tab by pressingCommand() –W. To close all tabs except the current one, right-click on it and selectClose other tabson the pop-up window. Or click on the icon (x), holding down the keyOption().



4. Opening closed tabs and windows

Have you ever closed tabs by accident? Luckily, there is a way to recover accidentally closed tabs. If your last action in Safari was closing a tab, use the shortcutCommand() –Z. Otherwise, pressShift() –Command() –T.

You can use the combination an unlimited number of times until you restore all closed tabs. To open a specific tab, select it in Safari History and open it manually.

5. Switch between windows

You already know how to switch between tabs, but how to switch between windows? Just pinchCommand() – `orCommand() –Shift() – `.

6. Forward / Backward

Give your mouse and trackpad a rest. Use a combinationCommand() – ]to go to the next page, andCommand() – [to return to the previous one.



7. Scroll through the page

To scroll through the site by entire page, pressOption()and press the arrowsuporway down. You can also pressSpaceorSpace –Space+Shift().

8. Go to bottom / top of page

To quickly move to the top or bottom of the page, press and holdCommand()and click the arrowuporway down.

9. Show / hide menu with favorites

To show or hide the favorites menu, holdCommand() –Shift() –B.

10. Open a private window

To quickly open a new private window, press and holdCommand() –Shift() –N.

11. Show / hide the side menu

Want to quickly access your bookmarks, reading list, or shared links? ClampCommand() –Shift() –L.

12. Go to the address bar

To quickly go to the address bar and enter something into it, use the combinationCommand() –L.