200 Senegalese fishermen diagnosed with unknown disease

As the governor of the capital region of Senegal, Al Hassan Sall, said, it was initially known about 82

sick, but later this figure increased to at least 200 patients. 

A new unknown disease is being identified among fishermen. Authorities assume that the source of infection was sea water. The source of spread is located between the port cities of Rufisk and Mbour.

The incubation period of the disease is severaldays. The infection manifests itself as follows: the skin of the sick is covered with ulcers that itch. According to the fishermen themselves, the parts of the body that have been in contact with water in the ocean are most affected.

All infected were hospitalized. Local authorities are holding an urgent meeting about the incident. Representatives of the fishing industry were invited to attend. Based on its results, further actions will be determined.

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