62 million people suffered from natural disasters in 2018

Among the dangerous climate events of 2018, the WMO notes fires in the western part of the United States, summer heat in Europe and

Japan, super typhoon Mangkhut, flooding in the Indian state of Kerala.

Climatic fluctuations are increasingly affectingfood security of the inhabitants of the earth. In 2017, the number of undernourished people increased to 821 million people, including due to droughts associated with El Niño. Of the 17.7 million people who left their places of residence in other parts of the country, more than 2 million people moved because of natural disasters.

2018 itself became the fourth in the history of mankind due to abnormally high temperatures. Above the average temperature was only in the last three years.

According to forecasts for this year, the US will be affectedsevere flooding in April and May 2019. They will affect two-thirds of the states - about 200 million people living near major rivers will be in danger. Residents of the Mississippi, Tennessee, and Missouri rivers may suffer the most.