A new type of ancient crater lake found on Mars

A research team led by Brown Ben Boatwright, PhD, described the new crater. By

at its bottom one can understand that streams used to flow there,however, there is no evidence of inlet channels through which water could enter the crater from the outside, and no evidence of groundwater activity. 

The researchers concluded that the system,probably fed on runoff from a long-extinct Martian glacier. Water flowed into the crater from the top of the glacier, so it did not leave behind a valley. Eventually, the water sank to the bottom of the crater, where it left its geological trail on the bare Martian soil.

The lake type described in this study is in stark contrast to other Martian crater lakes, such as the Gale and Jezero craters, which NASA's rovers are currently exploring.

According to the authors of the work, the crater can beunderstand what the early climate of Mars was like. There is no doubt that the Martian climate was once warmer and wetter. However, it is not clear whether Mars was similar to Earth. 

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