A pleasant surprise: Essential Phone will receive support for Android 11 Developers Preview

At the beginning of February, news appeared that Andy Rubin's company Essential was closing and would no longer produce

devices, as well as update your only smartphone PH-1. However, before closing, the manufacturer left a small gift for fans.

What are we talking about

Essential engineers opened a thread with r-preview inin your GitHub repository. This is a commit that will allow the Essential Phone to receive Android 11 Developers Preview support. In the coming days, the company will publish the “source code” of the firmware and the system can be installed on a smartphone.

Naturally, wait for a stable version of the OS onthe device is not worth it, but thanks to the support of Android 11 Developers Preview, third-party developers in the future will be able to create firmware for Essential Phone based on this OS.

Let's remember that Android 11 supports the fifth networkgeneration (5G.) In addition, the system boasts improved performance, advanced security settings, a screen recording function, an airplane mode that no longer turns off Bluetooth, quick access to cards in Google Pay and much more.

Source: XDA

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