A powerful ion microscope for studying quantum gases was created

Researchers at the University of Stuttgart have developed a particle-based imaging approach that

allows you to study completely different systems with spatial and temporal resolution. For example, cold ions immersed in quantum gases.

The microscope has excellent temporal resolution,which allows you to study dynamic processes and obtain three-dimensional images. Unlike most quantum gas microscopes, this imaging design offers tremendous depth of field and is therefore not limited to 2D systems.

The main application of the newmicroscope experts call the study of cold ion-atomic hybrid systems. At the moment, with the help of a new microscope, specialists have managed to obtain an image of a one-dimensional optical grating.

Image of a one-dimensional optical grating with a step532 nm measured with an ion microscope. Inset (i) shows an enlargement of the highlighted rectangular area showing the spatial resolution power of the instrument. Credit: University of Stuttgart

In addition, by using Rydberg atoms to initiate ion-atom collisions, they want to map individual scattering events that occur in quantum mode.

Let us recall that Rydberg atoms (named in honor of J.R. Rydberg) - hydrogen-like atoms and alkali metal atoms, in which the outer electron is in a highly excited state (up to levelsnabout 1000). To transfer an atom from the ground state to an excited state, it is irradiated with resonant laser light or a radio frequency discharge is initiated. 

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Quantum gas is a gas of particles or quasiparticles that obeys quantum statistics. The properties of a quantum gas depend on the degree of its degeneracy, which is characterized by the temperature of degeneracy.