A spot appeared on the Sun that is larger than the Earth

The new sunspot AR3153 orbits the southeastern edge of the Sun, and its size is impressive. Object noticed

NASA Solar Dynamics ObservatorySolar Dynamics Observatory, SDO) and it is much wider than the Earth. However, as the portal spaceweather.com notes, at present solar flares from this spot do not pose a danger to satellites and radio communication systems.

"While the sunspot's magnetic field appearsclearly divided into two polarities. There are no traces of mixing. This means that it poses little threat. However, the sunspot is growing rapidly, doubling in size in just a day, so its magnetic structure may soon change. Stay tuned for updates!” reports spaceweather.com.

AR3153 Photo: NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory

Solar flares occur whenStrong magnetic fields arise in regions of the Sun, which temporarily stop the convection process on the star. Thus, they emit intense bursts of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun that damage spacecraft providing communications and navigation services.

Solar flares are classified into fivecategories: A, B and C —relatively low intensity. However, M and X class flares are more powerful, and X class flares are even 10 times more powerful than M class solar flares.

According to EarthSky.org, so far AR3153 has produced only eight class C flares and two class B flares. Additionally, the forecast gives a 60 percent chance for C flares, a 15 percent chance for M flares, and only a 5 percent chance for X flares. In addition, no coronal mass ejections are expected from this spot, and the likelihood of geomagnetic storms is extremely low until at least December 3, 2022.

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