A teenager from the United States assembled a fusion reactor at home

Jackson Oswaltiz of the city of Memphis in the United States was included in the Guinness Book of Records - he is "the youngest person

The publication notes that he completely assembled the device in his room, for this timeHe was 12 years old.

Jackson started working on nuclear fusion at the age of 12, and he first read research about it on the Internet.He learned about Taylor Wilson, a self-taught nuclear physicist who also achieved nuclear fusion at a young age.This inspired him to try to build a reactor himself, but Jackson explained that he was the only person who had any involvement in its design or production.

Previously, the idea of ​​conducting nuclear fusion in conventionalhome rather than in a special laboratory seemed impossible, but at first Jackson's family and friends did not understand what he was trying to do.  Many considered his project strange, but Jackson continued to do it, despite their doubts. In the end, he showed the result to a close circle of people.

Young American designed and assembled the devicehimself, but under the supervision of his mother - she followed each stage of the creation of the reactor. Now Oswalt experiments less often, but promises to build "something even more impressive."

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