An algorithm has been developed that predicts whether an astronaut will survive en route to Mars

Space medicine experts from the Australian National University modeled the impact

space flight on the human cardiovascular system. A computer system evaluates whether the body can withstand extreme conditions.

Conditions of weightlessness and microgravity are essentialaffect the functioning of the human body. Researchers say prolonged exposure to weightlessness can cause the heart to become lazy because it doesn't have to work as hard to overcome gravity to pump blood around the body.  

On Earth, gravity pulls fluid toward the bottomhalf of our body, scientists explain. This is related, for example, to the fact that some people's feet begin to swell towards the end of the day. During space travel, this gravitational pull disappears and fluid shifts into the upper half of the body. Because of this, the brain begins to think that too much fluid accumulates in the body.

As a result, you start to go to the toilet often,get rid of excess fluid, do not feel thirsty and drink less. This leads to dehydration in space. That's why you can see on the news astronauts fainting when they set foot on Earth again.

Emma Tucker, astrophysicist and medical doctor at the Australian National University

Diagram of the human circulatory system (left),incorporated into the computer model (on the right). The apples show the areas affected by the change in gravity (red - decrease, green - increase). Image: Lex M. van Loon et al., npj Microgravity

The model uses an algorithm based onastronaut data collected during past space missions. Based on the medical data of a particular person, the system can predict what risks he may face when flying to Mars.

The created model uses the data welltrained astronauts. In future work, the researchers want to expand the capabilities of the algorithm by teaching it to predict what will happen to the “ordinary” person during space travel.

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