An indispensable gadget for hospitals and offices during quarantine: a machine for putting on shoe covers

We found a very useful device on AliExpress, especially during quarantine - a machine for putting on shoe covers.

How it works

The gadget works simply, but it requires shoe covers with special clips. They can also be ordered on AliExpress.

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So, using clips, attach the shoe covers to the four corners of the machine. This completes the “setup”. Now just put your foot down and press the “pedal” at the bottom - and the shoe covers are on your feet.

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As a result, you don’t need to bend over andput on shoe covers. In addition, the machine does not need to be touched, so it will not become a breeding ground for dirt and bacteria. The device is suitable for hospitals, laboratories, dental offices and even offices.

How many?

Such a device costs $ 35.41. An additional set of shoe covers will cost $ 8.99.

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