An invisible sweater has been created. It will help you “escape” from artificial intelligence

Employees at the University of Maryland have created a practical “invisibility cloak.” It was used to test

machine learning systems for the presence of vulnerabilities. A print with a blurred image deceives models. As a result, the owner of the sweater can hide from artificial intelligence.

A special pattern for the competition was generated,using a large set of training images. Each time the system detected a person, the data was reviewed to see how much the pattern reduced the subject's score. Ultimately, the "adversarial" pattern was refined to the point where it basically interferes with people recognition.

An adversarial attack is a way to deceive a neural network and achieve an incorrect result from it.

The pattern on the sweater looks a little like a bad Impressionist painting of people buying pumpkins at a market.

During experiments, the scientists easily fooled the YOLOv2 detector using a template trained on the COCO dataset with a carefully formulated target.

COCO (Common Objects in Context) is a large set of images. Consists of 330,000 photographs and illustrations, which depict more than 1.5 million objects.

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