Android earthquake warning system proven effective in the Philippines

Last month, Google launched the Android Earthquake Alerts System in seven more countries before launching globally next month

The Philippines is one of those places where earthquake warnings are turned on, and Android users have recently appreciated its effectiveness.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a magnitude 6.7 earthquake struck Tingloy in the Philippines early yesterday morning.Reuters reports that "the shaking lasted almost a minute." There were no reports of severe damage or casualties, and the tremors lasted no more than a minute.However, many locals were warned about this - just a few seconds before the start of the earthquake, their Android smartphones sent notifications about the seismic threat. The success of the system was noted in a thread on Reddit and in messages on Twitter.

Google has built a system to create “the largestin the world of earthquake detection networks ”, using already widespread technologies and sensors - accelerometers built into smartphones. This is due to the fact that the creation of a traditional network of ground seismometers (for example, in California and on the west coast of the United States) is not always possible. If there are such systems in the region and warnings are triggered, Android informs the user about them.

Warnings from Google come a few seconds before the main tremors, which usually cause the main damage. Owners of Android devices are informedthe location of the presumed epicenter on the map, the probable magnitude of the tremors, as well as basic information on ways to shelter fromShock.

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