Another form of the Higgs boson exists in superconductors

Jigang Wang, professor of physics and astronomy at Iowa State and senior scientist at Ames Laboratory

US Department of Energy and GroupResearchers have discovered a form of Higgs boson particle inside a superconductor capable of conducting electricity without resistance, usually at very low temperatures.

The authors write that in laboratory experimentsthey found a short-lived Higgs form in high-temperature (but still very cold), multi-energy bands, unconventional iron-based superconductors.

The Higgs shape is a state of matterdiscovered at the quantum level of atoms, their electronic states and energetic excitations. Higgs modes can be created in different energy ranges and still interact with each other.

This Higgs mode in a superconductor can potentially be used to develop new quantum sensors.

The team has developed a synthesis technique that produces crystalline thin films of iron-based superconductor with high enough quality to reveal Higgs shapes. 

As a result, some materials, somematerials such as superconductors have properties that can be exploited for applications in quantum information science and energy, such as processing, recording, storage and communications.

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