Apple specifically sold laptops with display defects

Northern California District Court Judge Edward Davila sided with the plaintiffs who sued Apple

due to defective MacBook Pros. Due to a malfunction, the backlight in the lower part takes on the appearance of a stage light, and then completely fails.

The prosecution argued that Apple thoroughly tested the MacBook Pro before selling it, so it should have known about the problem. The court confirmed that Apple knew about the problem when selling the MacBook.

The court considers that the allegations aboutpreliminary testing, coupled with allegations of significant customer complaints, are sufficient to show that Apple had exclusive knowledge of the alleged defect.

Edward Davila, judge

In addition, users who purchased a laptop described the marriage on an Internet forum, but their messages were deleted, the text of the accusation says. 

The lawsuit is not over yet, the plaintiffs are demanding reimbursement of the costs of repairing the MacBook and extending the warranty, now it applies only to 13-inch MacBook Pros.

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