Apple threatens to strip old iPhone Internet, mail, and other important services

Not all owners of Apple gadgets want to update them to new versions of the operating system. However, the most ardent

opponents of updates will still have to do this, otherwise basic services will stop working on smartphones.

What does it mean

Owners of iPhone 5 smartphones have begun to receive corresponding messages. Apple says that they need to update to iOS 10.3.4, and it’s better not to delay: the deadline is November 3.

Otherwise, users will not be able touse the Internet, email, iCloud cloud storage, the App Store content store and some other services. In addition, it will not be possible to update after this date via Wi-Fi: the iCloud Backup service will be disabled.

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This is due to the reset of GPS counters on the night of April 6-7. And the above services require correct date and time values.

True, this only applies to a small number of users. According to Apple's latest data, only 9% of devices now use older versions of the OS, up to iOS 12.