Artificial muscle cells repair damage and treat diseases

Scientists from Johns Hopkins University said they had successfully cultivated muscle stem cells

They can be renewed and regeneratemuscle tissue damage in mice.

To create self-renewing stem cells,the scientists started with lab-grown human skin cells. The latter have been genetically reprogrammed to a more primitive state in which they potentially function as stem cells. That is, they can turn into almost any type of cell in the body. Such cells are called induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS).

In the laboratory, scientists have long been able tomake different types of cells from IPS. In particular, skin and brain cells. The research team, led by Gabsang Lee, professor of neuroscience and fellow at the Institute of Cellular Engineering at Johns Hopkins Medical University, made muscle stem cells from IPS cells. To do this, they used a nutrient-rich solution. Li said they plan to do further research to look at the recipe for the solution and determine which ingredients were key to creating muscle stem cells.

Next, the team conducted an experiment on cells will move and whether they will be able to repair damaged tissues.The researchers confirmed that when they injected muscle stem cells into the rodents' muscles, they began to move into an area calledIt usually contains other stem cells that have been produced naturally.

The research team then used two different methods to understand whetherIn the first scenario, the researchers transplanted muscle stem cells into rodents, then exposed the animals to a muscle-destroying toxin and radiation.As a result, the transplanted stem cells formed myoblasts, muscle building cells that repairDamage.

In the second series of experiments, the researcherstransplanted muscle stem cells into mice with a mutation in the dystrophin gene, which leads to muscular dystrophy. A few months later, tests showed that mice and artificial stem cells could run twice as far as conventional rodents with the mutation.

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