Assassin's Creed will only get bigger: the Ubisoft boss spoke about plans for the development of the series

After the release of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, Ubisoft fans realized that the company decided to go for quantity rather than quality. A game

gave gamers an open world with tasksand activities that stretched the gameplay for dozens of hours. In his latest interview with, Yves Guillemot, CEO of Ubisoft, confirmed the guesses by talking about plans for the development of his sandboxes.

What is known

Against the backdrop of Assassin's Creed Odyssey:Unity feels compact, as the story campaign takes 15 hours to complete. The adventures of Kassandra or Alexios will take 40 hours, and virtual Greece is filled with points of interest that also compete for the gamer’s attention. In its financial reports, Ubisoft boasted that Odyssey was performing well in terms of player engagement, and that the company had no plans to return to more “compact” adventures.

"Our goal is to make sure you have Unityinside Odyssey. If you want a 15 hour story, you can get that, but you can also find other stories. You live in this world and do whatever you want. You have an adventure, a lot of Unity-like adventures,” Guillemot explained.

On average, players spend 60 hours in Odyssey, whichplenty for a solo adventure. In addition, the project is supported by free updates, constantly filling the Odyssey with content. Ubisoft has begun to invest more money in the development of projects, but does not change the base price of $60. The company is not afraid to follow this path, because games now live longer, and costs are recouped in the future thanks to microtransactions.

“Our teams don’t stop working after launchgames. Huge teams continue to create content to keep players in the universes they love to be in. The fact that some users buy items in these games allows our teams to create additional content,” said Guillemot.