Astronomers accidentally find two galaxies at the edge of space and time

According to a recent study, a team of astronomers and scientists have just discovered a pair of ancient galaxies,

which are at the very edge of space and time. They were hidden behind a thick veil of cosmic dust, scientists write.

Hidden galaxies REBELS-12-2 and REBELS-29-2arose more than 13 billion years ago, about 800 million years after the Big Bang. According to the cosmological model, he led to the emergence of life on Earth as we know it. Where scientists have discovered ancient galaxies, there may be even more ancient objects that will tell us about the beginning of the birth of the universe.

Source: ALMA (ESO / NAOJ / NRAO), NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope, ESO, Fudamoto et al.

In general, a group of scientists was lucky that they sawghostly spectral signals from two galaxies. A team of Japanese astronomers were examining nearby (younger) galaxies that shine much brighter in ultraviolet (UV) light when they noticed something special. And the "accidental discovery of these two dusty galaxies" at the very edge of the known universe "shows that our census of the earliest galaxies is still incomplete," the scientists note.

As part of the ALMA program calledReionization-Era Bright Emission Line Survey (REBELS) Yoshinobu Fudamoto and his team studied 40 luminous galaxies that appeared almost immediately after the birth of the Universe (within the framework of cosmic chronology). Scientists initially observed two target galaxies, named REBELS-12 and REBELS-29, when they noticed traces of other objects several thousand light years further away than the known, brighter galaxies. Further observations confirmed that the team of astronomers and scientists were actually looking at the edges of two previously unknown galaxies that were hidden behind thick clouds of cosmic dust.

Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA; "Atacamalarge millimeter-wave antenna array ") - a complex of radio telescopes located in the Chilean Atacama Desert, which observes electromagnetic radiation with millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. The peculiarity of the complex is that its telescopes can observe objects at colossal distances through a dusty environment. ALMA observes objects that existed in the ancient era of space, called the "cosmic dawn" or the era of reionization. It was then that the very first galaxies and stars arose.

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