Astronomers have doubled the catalog of repeating signals from space

Astronomers observed repeating FRBs in data obtained between 2019 and 2021 by the radio observatory -

Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) located in British Columbia, Canada.

Since the first discovery in 2007FRV, astronomers tried to find out what is the source of this mysterious phenomenon. To this day, we can only guess why they occur, with some researchers arguing that pulsars, neutron stars with a strong magnetic charge, could be the source.

New data will most likely only be addedmystery in the short term. Using the algorithm, Ziggy Pleunis, a researcher at the University of Toronto and lead author of the yet-to-peer paper, and his colleagues discovered 25 new recurring sources while examining a previously generated sample FRS catalog that contains more than 500 CHIME events detected.

According to Universe Today, so far only 29 ofThe 1,000 FRBs found to date have been repetitive, meaning that new data could nearly double the number of recurring FRBs known.

"When we carefully calculated the fastradio bursts and their sources that repeat, we found that only about 2.6% of all fast radio bursts repeat,” Pleunis said. “For many of the new sources, we found only a few bursts, making them completely inactive. Almost as inactive as the sources we've only seen once."

Many of these recurring patterns are still extremely difficult to classify, making them even more elusive.

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