Astronomers have put forward a version of the origin of ultradiffuse galaxies

The objects they studied were relatively young, with an average age of about 1.5 billion years. They suffered from

recent collisions with other galaxies and had signs of recent star formation.

The study was carried out using a spectrographBinospec, which is used to study scattered objects with low luminosity and little star formation. In the study, they applied dynamic modeling techniques to ultradiffuse galaxies and measured the fraction of dark matter that is invisible to conventional telescopes.

The study revealed the presence of rotating stellar disks, which are believed to be composed of 95% dark matter.

All 11 ultradiffuse galaxies (UDGs)formed according to one scenario. The stars inside them began to form about 12 billion years ago. Then, due to collisions with other galaxies, this process stopped and stars stopped forming inside galaxies.

Ultradiffuse galaxies are galaxies withextremely low luminosity. The low luminosity is due to the lack of gas from which stars are formed. Such galaxies always have a relatively small number of stars inside them, and compared to ordinary galaxies they have very low star formation activity. Commonly found in galaxy clusters, UDGs come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, with some having a total mass of up to one hundred billion solar masses. A similar galaxy in the Virgo cluster was first discovered by Allan Sandage and Bruno Bingeli in 1984. An ultradiffuse galaxy may have the same size and mass as the Milky Way, but the number of visible stars in it is about 1%.

The origin and evolution of UDG are poorly understood.For example, why did they remain dwarf in size and elliptical in shape, and did not merge with other galaxies and did not turn into larger systems. Some astronomers even call them "failed galaxies." In addition to being interesting in their own right, these galaxies are important to astronomers because most of their mass is in the form of dark matter.

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