Astronomers have recorded a rare phenomenon - an accretion explosion

Astronomers at Ibaraki University in Japan noticed that one of the massive protostars, G358-MM1, showed signs of

new activity.The object's maser emission became significantly lighter over a short period of time. The scientists' theory is that masers brighten due to a burst of accretion, an increase in the mass of a celestial body through the gravitational attraction of matter to it from the surrounding space.

Subsequent observations revealed a heat wave,coming from the source and passing through the vicinity of the star. This phenomenon can last from two weeks to several months and is associated with the explosion of a celestial body.

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According to scientists, they recorded earlierunknown type of accretion burst. It is possible that there are a number of varieties of these phenomena, whose properties depend on the mass and stage of evolution of a young star.

Researchers explained that massive starscan affect the structure, shape and chemical composition of the galaxy. And when they run out of hydrogen, they can die due to an explosion. This phenomenon is sometimes so strong that it causes the formation of new stars from materials surrounded by a dead star.