Astronomers understand the nature of the red stripes on the asteroid Ryugu

The Hayabusa2 probe visited the Itokawa asteroid in 2010 and collected soil samples from the cosmic body. Within

By studying soil from Itokawa, scientists wanted to determine its age - it should be similar to the age of the Solar System. It turned out that it was 4.64 billion years old, and the diameter of the asteroid exceeded 20 km.

In addition, soil analysis will confirm the theory that many individual meteorites and their progenitors from the asteroid class have an absolutely identical composition.

In a new work, researchers studied strange alternating stripes of red rock that covered the surface of an asteroid. The origin of these rocks remained a mystery to scientists.

Study of images taken by the probeHayabusa-2, during landing and takeoff from the surface of the asteroid, showed that the rock is a sand-like material that is easily blown away from the surface of Ryugu by the apparatus’s engines.

A similar structure of the red regions of the asteroid, according toAccording to planetologists, it says that they appeared on the surface of the asteroid relatively recently, about 300 thousand years ago. Scientists believe that this happened as a result of the approximation of the apparatus with the Sun.

"Presence of red matter on an asteroidRyugu can be explained by the fact that approximately 300 thousand years ago its orbit temporarily changed, causing it to move closer to the Sun. Its surface began to warm up more strongly, which led to the reddening of organic deposits on its surface.”

Seiichiro Watanabe, lead author of the study

It was previously reported that the Hayabusa launch moduleHe worked in Ryuga almost a year after the end of his service life. Scientists from the mission found out due to the fact that after 10 months the device recorded signals from the module from an area located far from the original landing site.

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