Astrophysicists showed the largest set of simulators in the universe

AbacusSummit consists of more than 160 N-body simulations and simulates the process of particle interaction through

гравитации во Вселенной.“This set is so large that it probably contains more particles than the other N-body simulations combined,” said Lehman Garrison, senior author of one of the papers and a research scientist at CCA.

The set was modeled on a Summit computer.US Department of Energy at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility in Tennessee. The machine has a variety of GPUs that do an excellent job of parallel processing. Summit is the fastest computer in the world at the time of its creation.

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A team of scientists created the Abacus code toLeverage the parallel processing capabilities of Summit so that multiple computations can be performed concurrently. Because of its design, Abacus can refresh 70 million particles per second on each node of the Summit supercomputer. The code can even analyze the simulation as it runs, identifying patches of dark matter indicative of bright galaxies that will be the focus of upcoming research.

AbacusSummit will come in handy soon, as inIn the coming years, as a result of several studies, they will compile space maps with very accurate detail. One of the goals of these high-budget missions is to add knowledge about what the universe looks like and what processes take place there.

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