Atheists and believers turned out to be close in moral guidelines

There is an opinion that atheists are more immoral than believers. The purpose of the new study was to find out whether there is

something common between these groups of people in terms of moral guidelines.

The moral values ​​of atheists and believers canvary slightly, but as scientists have discovered, both have the same “moral compass.” The researchers conducted four online surveys in two countries: the United States, where religiosity is the norm, and Sweden, which is one of the most secular in the world. Participants had to agree or disagree with some statements.

As a result, both groups scored approximately the samelow score on immoral tendencies. People generally disagreed with statements such as “I am willing to be unethical if I believe it will help me succeed.”

In addition, almost all respondents highly appreciatedmoral values ​​that protect people. It is justice, freedom and protection from oppression. It is also interesting that both religious people and atheists considered rational thinking an important value.

The difference was observed in the areas related to group behavior. Believers tend to value group loyalty and respect for authority figures much higher.