Bacteria found in lemur stomachs that do not respond to antibiotics

Scientists from Duke University have found evidence of bacterial resistance to antibiotics in the microbiome

lemurs living next to humans.To do this, the research team took samples of ring-tailed lemur scat and sequenced the genes of all the microbes found there, looking for genetic markers of antibiotic resistance.

The study compared ten populationslemurs: seven wild populations in Madagascar, two from research centers - the Lemur Rescue Center in Madagascar and the Duke Lemur Center in the United States. The sample also included a group of lemurs kept in Madagascar as pets.

In wild animals, the average proportion of resistance genesin gut microbiomes was close to zero. But in animals from research institutions, this proportion was 25 times higher than in wild lemurs. In domestic lemurs, this proportion was almost 35 times higher.

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Ring-tailed lemurs are omnivorous.At home, they are often in constant contact with people, sitting on the shoulders of the hosts or in the hands of tourists, who often take pictures with them. The researchers note that this physical and social environment clearly contributes to antibiotic resistance in domestic lemurs.

“Bacteria can be found not only inside us, but also on our skin, furniture, food and water. They are everywhere and always, and are easily transmitted from one environment to another, ”the scientists noted.

Antibiotic resistance among wild lemursvaried depending on the level of human activity. Animals from areas affected by grazing, farming or tourism contained more antibiotic-resistant microbes than animals from pristine environments, but still much less than lemurs living in close proximity to humans.

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