Best tweaks of the week: Gauze, iTranslate, Victrola, etc.

Today is Monday, which means you will find a fresh selection of all the new tweaks released over the past week. Let's get started

as usual, from the best, and then we will briefly describe the rest.

The best tweaks of the week


In modern app switcherApple devices require a lot of scrolling to get to the app you want. So why not make your life easier with a jailbreak tweak calledGauze?

It changes the look of the application switcher to the grid,making it easier to navigate and switch between applications. Tweak automatically adjusts the size of the application card to the screen and automatically fills in the empty spaces when you forcefully close the application.


iTranslateadds a convenient translation button to the Safari browser. You can find it by selecting the text - it will be in the copy/paste menu.

When you click on the button, the Google Translator page opens with the already translated text that you selected. Everything is extremely simple!


If you have iPhone 5s and older with iOS 10.2 or higher, then at the top of the Messages application, contact images are not displayed, as on iPhone 6 and newer.

Navatarit will change. With it, you will see on your small smartphone either images of contacts or their initials at the top of the screen.


Victrola– a tweak that changes the appearance of the widget frommusic on the lock screen. It trades the standard square screen for a more modern shape. The most noticeable difference is the shape of the album cover, but the music playback indicator will also change.

The Victrola tweak has just been released and it will get many new features with the update in the future.

Other tweaks

CopySources:Allows you to easily copy and share Cydia repositories (BigBoss repository).

Foldercy:Changes the appearance of folders on the home screen(beta repository of CydiaGeek).

InstaJustSearch:Removes recommendations from the official appInstagram (CydiaGeek beta repository).

SCClearAllChat:Allows you to immediately delete all dialogs from the Snapchat application (BigBoss repository).

TapFolderExit:Allows you to close folders by touching the screen anywhere within the folder itself(beta repository of CydiaGeek).

UICustomizerForTwitter:Allows you to change the interface of the Twitter application (Packix repository).

Vigor 2 (Beta):Adds moving icons to the home screen. (Packix repository).

YTCopyDescription:Allows you to easily copy the video description toYouTube and share it (BigBoss repository).