Biologists develop glowing material for medical imaging

In the process of phosphorescence at room temperature (RTP, Room-temperature phosphorescence), the material absorbs energy from

short wavelength (such as UV light) and then emits it as visible light. On the other hand, fluorescent materials stop glowing when the light is turned off.

An international group of researchers underThe leadership of the Northeast Forestry University (China) and the University of Bath (UK) studied the natural phosphorescent properties of lignin, the main component of wood. They found that linden, for example, is weakly phosphorescent naturally, releasing light within a few milliseconds due to the lignin being embedded in a three-dimensional cellulose matrix. This inspired them to imitate the material's luminous properties by cross-linking the lignin into a three-dimensional polymer network.

As a result, it began to glow noticeably withinabout one second. Scientists have discovered that by changing the size of the cavities in the network and the drying time of the polymer, it is possible to adjust the duration of phosphorescence.

"Most modern phosphorescentmaterials are either toxic or difficult to prepare, so we wanted to develop a new one that would overcome these limitations,” says Professor Tony James from the Center for Sustainable Circular Technologies at the University of Bath (UK).

Embroidery with fluorescent thread on the left sheet andphosphorescent thread on two flowers. Both glow in ultraviolet light (center), but only the phosphorescent filament glows briefly in the dark (right). Credit: Northeastern Forestry University.

To showcase the new material, the teamused it to dye threads that can be used in luminescent textiles to protect against counterfeiting. It will be useful for medical imaging in the future. To recap, medical imaging is the method and process of creating visual representations of the internal structures of the body for clinical analysis and medical intervention, as well as visual representations of the functions of certain organs or tissues.

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