Blizzard developed Hearthstone VR with table overturning and tavern walking

Hearthstone does not allow players to leave the card table, where battles take place. Still, gamers are unlikely to

They would refuse to walk through a tavern in virtual reality, and the developers from Blizzard understand this.

What is known

In an interview with PowerUp, leading artiston Hearthstone effects, Khadija Chamberlain spoke about Blizzard's internal project. As part of the Free Your Mind corporate hackathon, a kind of game development competition, two company employees decided to transfer Hearthstone to VR.

According to Chamberlain, the prototype is already giving playerswalk around the tavern, and also sit at the card table while waiting for an opponent. At the same time, gamers can throw cards on the table or turn it over if they realize impending defeat.

Narrative designer Dave Kosak noted thatBlizzard hasn't talked about a VR version of Hearthstone because gamers would like to see it. At the same time, it is unknown whether this project will leave the prototype stage and become a full-fledged addition. Kosak noted that although the idea looks “cool,” gamers would rather play on a PC or tablet.

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