Can't lose weight? It's all about insulin production!

Excess weight increases the risk of impaired sugar metabolism and even the development of diabetes. Research team from

The University of Basel has now proven that the opposite is also true: a lack of insulin production in the body contributes to excess weight. Discuss

Poor nutrition, too little exercise –Lifestyle influences the risk of developing metabolic diseases such as diabetes. But this relationship also works in reverse, according to a research team led by Dr. Daniel Zeman-Mayer. If insulin production is impaired, as it is in the early stages of type 2 diabetes, it can contribute to excess weight gain. The researchers report their findings in the journal Nature Communications.

The research team focused onfocus on the PC1/3 protease, a key enzyme in the body that converts various inactive hormone precursors into their final active forms. If this enzyme does not function properly in the human body, serious endocrine disorders can result. The consequences of this are a feeling of uncontrolled hunger and severe overweight.

In the next step, they tested whetherbeing overweight can be caused by improper activation of other hormones. PC1/3 activates, in particular, insulin. The researchers switched off PC1/3 specifically in insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells in mice. The animals consumed significantly more calories and soon became overweight and diabetic.

"These results are also interesting becausePC1/3 is reduced in the pancreas of patients with prediabetes, – says Professor Mark Donat, leader of the research team and one of the authors of the study. This indicates that improper activation of insulin may be not only a consequence, but also a cause of excess weight.

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