CatchaThief, MitsuhaXI, PurpleBar, and 30 more new jailbreak tweaks of the week

This week has been very busy thanks to the new Electra1131 jailbreak. Due to the release of a new

The tool began to appear and more new jailbreak tweaks began to appear.

Today we are going to tell you about all the new tweaks that have appeared in Cydia over the past week, and we will start as usual with the best ones.



The best tweaks weeks


AutoPause11– a simple tweak for music lovers.



This tweak automatically pauses music when you lower the volume to zero, which is very useful, for example, when someone speaks to you while you are enjoying your favorite song.

Once you install the tweak, you will never miss a single favorite note again.


If you're worried that you can't see someone touching your phone, a tweak can helpCatchaThief.

This tweak takes a photo with the front camera every time someone enters the password incorrectly. The photo is saved on the device and you can view it later.


MitsuhaXIis an amazing tweak that changes the interface of the iOS 11 music widget.

The interface will change in the Music application and some third-party applications, including Spotify.

The tweak also works on the lock screen, Control Center and Spotlight search page.


On the iPhone X, the status bar does not contain as much useful information as on other models. The reason for this is the notch in the display.

One of the main problems with the new status bar is that it is very difficult to see the Do Not Disturb information on it without opening Control Center. Luckily, the tweakPurplebarsolves this problem by making the status bar text purple.

Other tweaks

AudioSnapshotServer:Extension for working with MitsuhaXI (free via Packix repository)

ByeBetaAlert:Removes warnings from beta versions of the system (beta repository of CydiaGeek).

ByeSeparatorsCell:Cleans up white space throughout the system (free via BigBoss repository)

CarBridge:Allows you to use any CarPlay apps (HASHBANG Productions repository).

CCLinker:Lets you open additional icon options for Gesture Control Center (free via BigBoss repository)

DockShowLabels:Adds captions to app icons in the dock (CydiaGeek beta repository).

Harmony:Lets you change the colors of the Discord app interface (free via Packix repository)

HideSignalStrengthBAR:Removes the signal strength icon from the status bar (CydiaGeek beta repository).

HomeGesture:Adds the Home gesture from iPhone X to other models (free via Packix repository)

hueStatusbar:Allows you to change the color of the status bar (CydiaGeek beta repository).

IGGhost for Instagram:View your Instagram feed without displaying post authors (free via BigBoss repository)

IGGreyDarkMode:Gray Night Mode for the Instagram app (free via Packix repository)



LS Gesture Bar Color(iphone X):Change the color of the gesture indicator on your iPhone X lock screen (free via Packix repository)

ModernXI:Redesigned lock screen notifications (free via Packix repository)

NiceNotes:Lets you customize the default Notes app (free via Packix repository)

NoFeedback:Removes the Feedback app from devices with a tvOS beta profile (free via BigBoss repository)

NoMoreFeedback:Does the same as the previous tweak (free via Packix repository)

NGXPlayeleven:Allows you to cast your iPhone screen to CarPlay (free via BigBoss repository)

RWP Slider:Lets you change the white balance through Control Center (free via BigBoss repository)



SBTextColourXI(LS/Hs):Lets you change the color of the status bar text on your Lock screen and Home screen (free via Packix repository)

SBTextColourXI(System Wide):Changes the color of status bar text throughout the system (free via Packix repository)

SilentScreenshots:Takes screenshots without sound but with vibration (free via Packix repository)

TiebaVideoAdblock:Removes ads from the BaiduTieba app (free via BigBoss repository)

TimeToUnlock:Lets you use the current time as a password (free via BigBoss repository)

TimeUnlockXI:Does the same as the previous tweak (free via BigBoss repository)

TwitterCustomizer:Lets you customize the Twitter app (free via Packix repository)

TwitterDarkMode:Night Mode for the Twitter app (free via Packix repository)

Windmill(Beta):Adds a virtual Home button, back button, and app switcher button to iOS (free via Packix repository)

YouTube Music Tools:Tools for the YouTube Music app (free via Packix repository)