China has created the largest digital model of the mouse brain with 6,357 neurons

Using optical imaging technology, researchers from the Center of Excellence in

brain sciences and intelligent technologies(CEBSIT) scanned 161 mouse brains. Scientists identified 6,357 individual neurons in the prefrontal cortex of these mammals and determined their morphology (structure and shape). The authors of the work identified 64 subtypes of neurons based on the similarity of the structure of their axons.

Researchers studied spatialdistribution of individual neuron subtypes in different areas of the prefrontal cortex and layers of the brain. The obtained data was visualized on a map. Scientists analyzed the network of connections within the prefrontal cortex and reconstructed it as a high-resolution 3D model.

The computer model is published in the public domain at the link.

An example of visualization of the processes of two separate neurons. Source: CEBSIT

As scientists note, the reconstruction of the network of axonsThe brain at the level of individual cells is an extremely complex task that requires the consistent creation of high-quality three-dimensional images of individual neurons. Each such snapshot weighs several TB. This is an extremely laborious and complex process that takes a huge amount of time.

To solve this problem, researchers have developedthe Fast Neurite Tracer (FNT) program, which semi-automatically scans the processes of individual neurons based on the analysis of laser microscopy data.

An example of visualization of the processes of five individual neurons. Source: CEBSIT

Information interaction between individualareas of the cerebral cortex is provided with the help of axons - long processes of neurons. As the researchers note, neurons of different subtypes tend to be involved in different brain functions. Therefore, to understand the principles of the brain, it is important to study the various subtypes of neurons and their internal connections.

Scientists emphasize that the prefrontal cortex isit is the center responsible for higher cognitive functions of the brain, including decision-making processes, working memory, and attention. Violations in this area can cause various neuropsychiatric diseases. Axons extend from neurons in the prefrontal cortex to almost every other area of ​​the brain, including other areas of the cortex, the striatum, thalamus, midbrain, and hindbrain.

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