China launched the second module of the Tiangong orbital station into space

The Long March 5B launch vehicle, launched from the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center on the morning of July 24, launched the first

Chinese space exploration moduleTiangong station. It is reported that the module successfully separated from the launch vehicle and entered a predetermined orbit in the direction of the station. The docking should take place during the day.

Separation of the module from the carrier rocket

The Chinese orbital station consists of threemodules. Today, the Tianhe (Harmony of Heaven and Earth) core module will be merged with the Wentian (Searching for Heaven) research module. The third element of the station - "Mengtian" ("Dreams of Heaven") - should be sent into orbit in October.

The Wentian module is about 17.9 m long and weighsapproximately 23 tons equipped with mounting platforms to accommodate scientific instruments and experiments without pressure in the vacuum of space. The main role of the new module is to conduct scientific research in orbit. For example, inside the sealed module there are special rooms with racks for biological experiments.

The Wentian module before launch to the Chinese space station

The new module is also equipped with additionalsolar panels and a new EVA gateway. In addition, it has additional sleeping quarters for astronauts, allowing China to conduct a crew transfer, during which six members from two missions remain on board the station at the same time.

Currently, there are three astronauts on board the Tiangong, who will have to complete the construction of the station.

Cover image: Xinhua News Agency

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