Chinese scientists use the moon to learn about the universe after the Big Bang

Chinese scientists presented the Hongmeng mission project. They plan to launch 10 satellites into lunar orbit.

Spacecraft will collect data on the far side of the Moon, while our natural satellite will shield sensors from interference caused by human activity on Earth.

The main task of the future mission is to collect dataweak and stretched electromagnetic radiation with a very long wavelength, which is emitted by hydrogen atoms formed as a result of the Big Bang.

The dark ages of the universe are the period betweenthe emergence of relic radiation and the formation of the first stars. About 379,000 years after the Big Bang, the universe is believed to have become cold enough for slowing down electrons and protons to interact. From the state of plasma, the Universe has passed into the phase of space filled with gas. During this period, space is filled with hydrogen, helium, relic radiation and radiation of atomic hydrogen at a wavelength of 21 cm.

These low frequency signals from early spaceextremely difficult (almost impossible) to fix on Earth because of the powerful ionosphere of the planet. Previously, scientists considered the option of installing telescopes on the far side of the moon, which would be protected from the background interference of electromagnetic radiation generated by human activity.

Mission illustration. Image: Chinese Academy of Sciences

But the new project is much cheaper.Scientists propose to use nine satellites on the far side of the moon, which will capture the radiation of the early universe. During the flight, the mission's daughter satellites will be unevenly distributed, with the nearest ones only 1 km apart to hunt for signals with frequencies as low as 1 to 30 MHz. They will send the collected data to the tenth satellite located on the day side. Having collected all the data, he will be able to exchange information with the Earth and control the mission.

According to the South China Morning Post, the new project has been submitted for approval and is likely to be supported soon.

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