CO2 levels in 2021 will be 50% higher than in the 18th century

According to the new forecast, in 2021, around April-June, CO2 will exceedlevel present at the end of 18

And this is despite an unprecedented drop in greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 due to the pandemic.

Because CO2 stays in the atmosphere for a very long time, annual emissions are added to past emissionsand cause an increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. 

Richard Betts, lead developer of the Met Office's annual CO2 forecast.

The UN says that emissions from energyfood, transport and industrial production must decline by more than 7% each year over the next decade to remain within the Paris climate agreement. 

With just over one degree of warming, the Earth is already experiencing extreme weather events such as floods, droughts and tropical storms. 

The Met Office said that from the startDuring the industrial era, it took about 200 years for CO2 concentrations to increase by 25%. But now, just 30 years later, we are approaching a 50% increase. 

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