Collagen plaster was made from frogs for the treatment of trophic ulcers

Scientists from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have developed a production technology

collagen from frog skins.At the first stage, impurities are removed from the skin, the resulting material is mixed into a paste, from which pure collagen is extracted. Its authors use it to produce a biodegradable and biocompatible dressing.

The researchers say that when applied tocomplex trophic wound, such a “patch” accelerates healing by creating a porous layer for coagulation of leukocytes and healing agents. In addition, it serves as a protective barrier that prevents the penetration of bacteria, but at the same time keeps the wound moist.

Collagen dressing and larvae to clean the wound. Photo: Nanyang Technological University Singapore

The authors of the development note that collagen in the newThe patch functions like a scaffolding: the cells create a support structure and allow neighboring cells to migrate. As skin cells multiply, the patch dissolves completely and is replaced by new skin.

Although frog meat in many countries of the worldconsidered a delicacy and a rarity, in Singapore it is one of the popular products. At the same time, the skins of frogs grown on a farm, as a rule, are simply thrown away. This means that the production of dressings does not require significant costs for components.

Trophic ulcers are long-term tissue defects,which are difficult to heal. Most of them develop against the background of varicose veins, which leads to chronic venous insufficiency. Such wounds take a very long time to heal, but it is important to ensure protection against infectious infection. 

Scientists believe that with the aging of the population and the spread of diabetes, the need for the treatment of complex trophic ulcers will only increase. A new patch is one possible solution.

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