Created a "breathable" battery based on the reaction of iron and air

Massachusetts startup Form Energy has created an iron-based battery that can last 150 hours. Battery

takes oxygen when it is discharged and releases it when it is charged.

The work is based on a chemical reaction in whichiron turns into rust and is restored. Batteries use a reduction-oxidation reaction using iron, when in the presence of oxygen, iron turns into rust or oxidizes and releases energy during a chemical reaction, and during recovery releases oxygen and reduces iron from the oxide, which accumulates energy.

Such a battery charges within a few days, but delivers energy from 100 to 150 hours. 

As startup leaders note, oneThe battery pack will combine 20 cells. The cost per 1 kWh will be $6 for each cell and no more than $20 per 1 kWh for a complete unit. This is from 4 to 10 times cheaper than in the case of lithium batteries. 

The new battery will be relevant for stationary energy storage systems, and will also help the introduction of renewable energy.

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