Created a laser facility for enriching uranium from the "tails"

Silex Systems announced the completion of eight months of testing in Australia of the laser system module,

providing separation of uranium isotopes. The completed module will be sent for deployment to Global Laser Enrichment's pilot commercial demonstration center.

SILEX technology uses laser pulses toseparation of uranium isotopes and separation of radioactive uranium-235. Let us recall that natural uranium is a mixture in which the majority is the stable isotope uranium-238 (mass fraction 99.27%).

When using new technology cold flowmixtures of uranium hexafluoride molecules  and carrier gas are exposed to pulsed laser energy. Radiation with a wavelength of 16 microns predominantly excites uranium-235 hexafluoride, having almost no effect on the stable isotope. As a result, a special magnetic trap can attract and trap the desired atoms.

The researchers note that the test results confirm that the proposed technology can operate stably on an industrial scale for a long time. 

SILEX is planned to be used for productionnatural uranium hexafluoride (UF6) by enriching material from stocks of depleted uranium tails (the material that remains after uranium enrichment using conventional technologies). In addition, it is suitable for the production of low-enriched uranium fuel for nuclear reactors.

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