Created a low-cost toaster-sized ventilator

An inexpensive ventilator the size of a toaster has been created in India. Demand for such

devices are currently growing due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

A new ventilator costs about $2,000, which is much cheaper than a traditional device. The cost of the latter can reach $10,000.

A newly created device called AgVaweighs approximately 3.5 kilograms. with its help it will be possible to transport home patients who are not in critical condition. Ventilators are easy to transport, install, and require little energy.

AgVa intends to start producing devices in the near future Maruti Suzuki. It is India's largest passenger car manufacturer.

Recall, recently, scientists have discovered a way to reduce lung ventilation time in critically ill patients. The introduction of vitamin C helped.