Created a quantum computer that "went beyond the binary system"

Physicists from the University of Innsbruck used trapped calcium ions to build a computer.Each of the

There are eight states of these atoms, of which the scientists used up to seven for calculations.

The operation of all existing computers is based onbinary system. Data is stored in the form of zeros and ones, and all calculations are performed in a binary system. A similar approach is used to create quantum computers. In a study published in the journal Nature Physics, the scientists showed that it is possible to go beyond this limitation by exploiting the quantum properties of atoms.

The physical building blocks of a quantum computer can do much more than just zero and one. The limitation to binary systems robs these computers of much of their true potential.

Martin Ringbauer, physicist at the University of Innsbruck and co-author of the work

Scientists have designed a quantum computer like thisin such a way that the full potential of the atom can be exploited, using all existing states as qudits (quantum digits) for calculations. The calcium ions used to create the device have eight distinct energy levels.

Physicists have shown that by acting on the calcium ionUsing a near-infrared laser can control these energy states. Scientists were able to use up to seven of these states to carry out calculations. 

New computational model optimally tunedon quantum equipment, the authors of the study say. They showed that the device works just as reliably as a traditional computer operating in a binary system.

Physicists note that going beyond the binarysystems paves the way for much more efficient quantum computing. By working with more qudits, such a computer can achieve more processing power with fewer particles.

Cover image: Harald Ritsch, Universität Innsbruck

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