Credit Suisse: all Chinese smartphone makers are in crisis

Analytical agency Credit Suisse has released a report on the state of the global smartphone market. We have already told

что в нём говорится об Apple и Samsung, теперь пришла очередь китайских производителей. У них всё плохо: в Китае люди всё реже покупают себе новые смартфоны, предпочитая ходить с одними и теми же девайсами по три года и больше, а если и покупают себе что-то новое – то iPhone (младшая «тринашка» расходится там огромными тиражами). Жители Индии не хотят покупать китайские смартфоны из-за странного чувства патриотизма, а европейцам мешает инфляция, имеющая, как известно, совершенно непонятные причины.

To the numbers.Last year, Chinese manufacturers collectively produced 811 million smartphones, and this year they planned to produce 884 million. It is clear that this was an optimistic forecast, but now it has been reduced to 713 million. And the fall concerns not only small manufacturers, but also market leaders. So, Xiaomi, which released 191 million smartphones last year, wanted to launch 235 million devices this year - but now it sets the bar at 180 million. OPPO and Vivo, which were initially cautious in their forecasts (210 million and 160 million, respectively, with sales of 202 million and 145 million last year) fall even more sharply. Now OPPO is targeting 160M devices and Vivo is targeting 115M.

Suffer from the crisis and Huawei with Honor, but theyso experienced a very strong fall in the recent past, so they are not hit by circumstances so hard. Huawei, which expected to remain at the same level of 40 million smartphones per year in 2022, lowered the bar to 35 million, and Honor continues to plan sales growth. If last year the company sold 45 million smartphones, then it plans to sell 60 million for 2022. However, three months ago the forecast was 70 million devices, so it’s too early to guess.

    © Ilya Nerybov.

    According to IF/News