Dead star and galaxies: all images from the new space telescope shown

Today, US President Joe Biden presented the first full-color photo from the James Space Telescope

Webb." However, it didn’t end there: NASA shared other images from the scientific instrument.


In total, NASA showed five photographs takenequipment of the James Webb telescope. Among them is the nebula in the constellation Carina, or NGC 3324. The image was taken in infrared light and for the first time shows previously unseen star-forming regions:


Next on the list is the Stefan Quintet, a group offive galaxies in the constellation Pegasus. Thanks to its extremely high spatial resolution, Webb reveals never-before-seen details in this group of galaxies:


In addition, the planetaryNebula South Rim. In fact, these are the discarded outer gaseous shells of a star similar to the Sun. In the center of the nebula are the remains of this star - a white dwarf.


Next we see the transmission spectrum of the atmosphereexoplanets WASP-96b. It revolves around a star that is 980 light years from Earth. The spectrum was obtained during the passage of the planet across the disk of this star.


And finally, the most detailed image of a section of the universe, taken by the Webb telescope: