Death Valley records record temperature

In Death Valley in California, the hottest, driest and coldest place in the country, the temperature reached 54.4°C.

This is the highest temperature in this area and one of the hottest temperatures that have been recorded on the entire planet.

The National Meteorological Service reportedthat the park was very hot on Friday, adding that there is a 25% chance that temperatures will again reach 54.4 ° C or higher in the next two days. At the beginning of the day, the temperature was 50.6 ° C.

“Extreme temperatures are no joke!Be careful before going outside this weekend. Do not endanger yourself or the rescue personnel! ”- urged the National Meteorological Service in Las Vegas.

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Scientists believe that in the coming weeks the temperature may rise by a few more degrees and break the absolute record - 56.7 ° C, which was recorded in Death Valley on July 10, 1913.

The temperature was recorded by an automatica meteorological station of the US National Weather Service at Stove Creek near the border with the state of Nevada. This indicator will be checked - in these cases, additional checks of devices are needed, which must work correctly and accurately.

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