Deep sea fish for some unknown reason washed ashore in California

The 45cm-long fish with sharp black teeth and a gaping mouth lay on Crystal Cove Beach. Bye

it is unknown how it got to the surface from the depths of the Pacific Ocean. 

After the discovery, the fish was frozen in order to be transferred to the collection of the Museum of Natural History of Los Angeles County.

Anglerfish, or monkfish, are a genus of searay-finned fish from the anglerfish family of the order Angleridae. Found in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. They hunt their prey at a depth of about a kilometer. 

The reasons for the recent deaths are unclear. Although some of them may have died from ship strikes, sonar and secret military tests, the reasons for the deaths of most of the animals are unknown.

It is also noted that over the last month inEight gray whales were found dead in the San Francisco area. Scientists believe the number of whales found on shore is only a small fraction of the actual death toll.

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