Diary Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2: the buyer of this smartphone - who is he?

Almost two years ago, I wrote almost a program textAbout Who Needs Smartphones with Bendable

screen.Today it is already obvious that they were well received (as far as possible for such expensive and niche devices) by buyers and the market. We are not talking about the fact that every second person will buy them (this will still take more than one year, although thanks to the Internet and globalization the pace of technology development is constantly accelerating and everything happens faster and faster each time). But sales of the same Galaxy Fold demonstrate interest from buyers. The most important thing is that they get the user experience they expect, and this is the most important thing so far.

A bit of background

Interest in Galaxy Z Fold2 is even higher, which is easyexplainable - the differences from the first model are significant, noticeable and interesting. Moreover, due to the delay in the release of the first Fold (Samsung, as is customary in the company, deliberately delayed the release of this smartphone to the market in order to eliminate all the obstacles that arose inevitably associated with the launch of a new technology - and, as Forbes authors like to write, “ I was right"), the difference between the appearance of Fold and Fold2 was only six months, not a year. Any technological innovation that can radically change the balance of power in the market, as a rule, has only one chance. In case of failure, consumers perceive any new technology as having appeared “too early”; there are many such examples in history. For example, the first tablet was not the iPad at all; Microsoft presented not only its vision of the product, but even released a special version of Windows XP Tablet Edition for it in 2002 (8 years before Apple, which released the iPad only in 2010)! And it ran a ton of products, including, for example, the Compaq TC1000 released in 2003, which was my first laptop computer. The Apple Newton pocket computer, first released in 1993, can also be called revolutionary, but ahead of its time - it was with it that the PDA era began, but it began, in an amicable way, not with it, but ten years later, when the first Palm PDAs appeared . It wouldn’t be out of place when talking about the extreme importance of folding smartphones for Samsung to mention a special concierge service (like for Vertu owners), the Z Premier Service, which is available around the clock for buyers of Z-series smartphones and allows you to get repairs once within a year after purchase devices for non-warranty cases (including a broken screen, for example).

Samsung, as a global market leader thatDespite the unprecedented pressure from Chinese manufacturers, it not only maintains market share, but manages to increase it, albeit slightly (it is always difficult for a leader to grow in general), it is extremely important in the current situation to obtain (and lead) a new direction for the development of smartphones. And do not repeat the mistake of the previous market leader - Nokia, which was unable to perfect its new Maemo operating system, which would allow it to maintain leadership in a world where there is already iOS and Android. Only the role of Nokia’s proprietary operating system in the case of Samsung is played by the technology of folding screens, which brings new technological capabilities, new user experience and allows increasing sales from top to bottom - gradually expanding the line of smartphones and moving from flagships to the middle segment and beyond.

Customer portraits (in large strokes)

Now that the strategic options are clearand the context of the situation, we can move on to understanding who might be interested in a smartphone like the Galaxy Z Fold2. To begin with, I will fix two simple and obvious circumstances that play a key role: now this is the most expensive mass-produced smartphone on the market, and it has a simple, understandable and visually fixed difference - a folding screen. This explosive mixture allows you to attract the attention of exactly the audience that the manufacturer needs in this situation.

Firstly (the first thing that comes to mind) istechnology pioneers- people who are interested in anytechnological innovations. Each of us (perhaps it's you) has a friend who changes phones 2-3 times a year. Ever wondered why he does this? The question is not that a person is “crazy,” but that there are a lot of technological innovations around us today. One’s own internal itch spurs a person to try one thing or another. As a rule, it takes a few weeks or months to understand everything for themselves and find out everything they are interested in learning about the product. Then the first impressions weaken, fade, and that same itch arouses interest in another device, fortunately there are a lot of them. If you like, this buyer profile can be thought of asa geeky version of Casanova.

Secondly, these may be users whoThe product idea that Samsung conveys is clear (and fits well with their consumption profile), and which easily explains the primary use cases:smartphone and tablet in one device. We increasingly give to solve simplefor everyday tasks, preferring a smartphone to a computer: finding something quickly in Google - price or background information. Send a message. Make a money transfer or payment. There are many scenarios, and every year there are more and more. At the same time, the tablet remains an intermediate link between a smartphone and a computer. It has greater mobility than a computer, and a larger screen (and therefore more useful information or details) than a smartphone. I would say that a tablet is a more convenient version of a home computer for low-priority tasks that are more related to relaxation than work: play, watch a movie or turn on cartoons for your child, even read the news (watch the latest videos on YouTube or Facebook). Those who use both a smartphone and a tablet every day suddenly find that they can be replaced with one device. That's reason enough to try the Z Fold2.

Thirdly, these are people who may have little interest in technology, but who like to surround themselves with expensive things anddo not deny yourself anything. The smartphone has long become the most useful anda necessary accessory and our second self. These people are accustomed, relatively speaking, to buying themselves a new iPhone every year with the maximum configuration (by the way, the fact that the maximum version always sells well suggests that there are many such people - politicians, businessmen, and their entourage - everyone a lot is collected). And here is something even more expensive (and that is why it has magnetism for such buyers) than the most expensive iPhone. It’s hard to pass by (at least for such people). Add to them those who, for various reasons, simply do not like the iPhone or are not suitable for it, but they are not ready to trust their money to Chinese manufacturers. For such people, there are generally few alternatives - one of Samsung's flagship smartphones, so why not this one? After all, when you're surrounded by iPhone owners, it's nice to stand out among them and feel a certain superiority.

In practice, I think one of these worksfactors (or several at once, which gives more possible combinations - everyone is different), but, first of all, I see businessmen and top managers among the buyers of the Galaxy Z Fold2. Most likely related either to IT (fortunately, the industry in our country is huge and people there, to put it mildly, do not live in poverty), or to retail sales of electronics. These are unlikely to be glamorous Instagram divas (the charming Z Flip would be more suitable for them) or religious users of Apple technology.

Three things you need to know about Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 buyers

  • These are people who are actively interested in new technologies and are accustomed to form an opinion on their own, rather than relying on someone else's, albeit trustworthy.
  • They are used to using both smartphones and tablets every day. They understand the benefits for each of them, and accept a device that combines both scenarios.
  • A special round-the-clock Z Premier Service concierge service is available for them.